When the 20th century started, there were lots of whales wandering in the sea, especially the blue whale – the largest animal in the world. But now, very few of them remain. Blue whale dive tonga is the biggest creature ever on the earth. When they travel, they make a sound that can travel hundreds of kilometres. But this sound cannot be heard by humans without special devices. On a daily basis, they eat thousands of kilograms of food easily, and their age is almost the same as a human.
These animals are now near to extinction and only less than 10,000 whale dive tonga left in the world. Scientists are trying to save this magnificent creature by doing lots of reach and studies on them. One of the greatest mysteries of the ocean is about these blue whales and how they are born.
These blue whales swim far away from the shore and come to the surface only for a few seconds. But in summers, they come near to shore to feed. It is a chance of researchers to give them a tag. With the help of these tags, they can track them in the winters when they migrate to the south. The researchers found that when they migrate south, they meet and give birth in tropics.
In their birth season, they feed a lot, and their size becomes twice then a common whale. If we talk about the weight of an adult blue whale, it is around 180 tons. It is equal to the fully grown 25 elephants. Only the heart of a blue whale weighs about 500kg and about the size of a small car. When they are fully grown, their length becomes equal to the size of three buses.
These whales do not have teeth. When they want to eat, they open their mouth wide open and their throat expands to suck the tiny crabs and krill in. Usually, krill and plankton is all the diet of a blue whale. It is interesting that the feed of the largest animal in the world is one of the smallest animals on earth. At a time, a blue whale can eat up to one metric ton krill.
Reachers are trying their best to protect these magnificent animals, but it is a very challenging task to provide protection to the whale dive tonga. If we want to see them in the future, we need to respect their place so that these mighty animals can live again freely without the fear of extinction.